Break up Sms

27 .- ve met my new girlfriend, I?m sure you?ve met my new girlfriend, she?s been your best friend for 8 years.

28 .- The only thing worse The only thing worse than being alone, is being with you.

29 .- I am a lying whore You?re right, I am a lying whore. I lied, size DOES matters

30 .- L0ve hUrTS wHen U brEak uP L0ve hUrTS wHen U brEak uP wid s0mE 0nE huRTs eVen m0rE whEN s0mE 0nE brEaks uP U.BUTl0vE hUrtS dE m0sT whEn dE pErs0n, UR l0vE hAs n0 idEA h0w u fEel.

31 .- I get so emotional I get so emotional when your not around.. I think the emotion is called happiness.

32 .- Look, I'm turning Look, I'm turning 16 soon, and I really just need my freedom!

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