Christmass Sms

1 .- May your world May your world be filled with warmth and good chear this Holy season, and throughout the year.Wish your christmas be filled with peace and love. Merry X-mas

2 .- your as big boned your as big boned as father christmas claus, your as stupid as a donkey, your as shit in bed as a camal, but your still the right person for me!

3 .- If one night a big If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window grabs you and puts you in a sack don't worry I told Santa I wanted you for CHRISTMAS

4 .- Christmas is a time Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered. What I don't like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day

5 .- Christmas is the season Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.

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