Abbreviation sms

1 .- "HUG" H- apPy FeElInGs ShArEd
U- nIvErSaLlY wArM & fUzZy
G- rEaT 2 gIvE & 2 rEcEiVe
S- uRe 2 MaKe AnYoNe'S dAy
I hOpE tHiS"HUG"MaKeS uR dAy BrIgHtEr

2 .- 'Study' ??? What is da true meaning of 'Study' ???.........S. SleepingT. TalkingU. Unlimited tafrehD. DreamingY. Yawning

3 .- True meanings of "GIRL" True meanings of "GIRL"
"G"= GOSSIP may sab se aagey..
"I"= INNOCENT sirf shakal se..
"R"= RONE ki automatic machine..
"L"= LARAI may sab ki maa... ;-)

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